
Cabinet of Ministers: after January 24, quarantine won’t be lifted

In Ukraine, after terminating the toughened quarantine restrictions from January 25, the quarantine and emergency regime won't be lifted and will remain in force until February 28, 2021.

Cabinet Minister Oleh Nemchinov told Ukrinform.

"I think they (other countries where lockdown has been introduced – ed.) will end their quarantine when they complete the vaccination. Our deadline is 00 o'clock on January 25. After that, the Ministry of Health will traditionally draw its own conclusions. We have an emergency situation until February 28. And we'll adopt the regime that will be after the quarantine restrictions of the New Year and Christmas period. The quarantine will definitely continue, because it now operates under the resolution adopted on December 9. The state of emergency in Ukraine lasts until February 28. The point is that the stricter restrictions, introduced on January 8, will be in force until 00:00 on January 25," Nemchinov said.

He recalled that several European countries had introduced even stricter and longer-term quarantine. Among the reasons are the risks of spreading the new COVID-19 strain and overloading the medical system. Ukraine is still one of the countries with the mildest quarantine restrictions.

"I use data from the Center for Economic Recovery, which analyzed quarantine in several European countries. And I want to say that, according to the Oxford University index, we now belong to the five countries with the lowest index on the list. In particular, these are Croatia, Switzerland, Belgium, and France," the official added.

According to him, the strictest quarantine is currently in force in Italy. A nationwide lockdown was introduced in the country, and a curfew was imposed. Restrictions even affect the number of guests allowed to participate in events, including at home. It's no more than two people.

A rather severe lockdown has also been introduced in the federal states of Germany. There, people may gather in groups of no more than five people; they have closed schools, services, restaurants, shopping, and entertainment centers.

He changed his mind to continue the "lockdown": Stepanov explained what restrictions would work in Ukraine after January 24

Lockdown will not be extended. After ending the strict quarantine restrictions on January 24, the adaptive quarantine will work in Ukraine. The Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov declared it on the air of one of the TV channels, as UNN informs.

"In our country at the moment, quarantine is set until February 28 this year, with a certain period of increased restrictions from 8 to 24 January. This is the regime. Starting from January 25, there will be quarantine with other restrictions, with a different regime of these restrictions. This applies to our strategy: we want to return to adaptive quarantine. Then, depending on the epidemiological situation, we'll determine one or another level of restrictions," Health Minister said.

Stepanov also assured that they wouldn't stop the lockdown in advance, and it'd definitely last until January 24, but no longer.

"The regime like this (lockdown – ed.) is valid until the 24th. We didn't even think of ( of extending – ed.) it.  It must be logical and comply with the laws of epidemiology," the minister said.

To recap, on the air of one of the TV channels on January 12, the Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov declared that strict quarantine in Ukraine needed to be continued, including after January 24, as there were reasons for it.

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