The Public Relations Department of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reports.
According to Ihor Podolian, Deputy Head of the Main Department of Doctrines and Training of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, several measures will be key ones.
"It's an operational and strategic gathering, a set of comprehensive command and staff exercises with the participation of the Logistics Forces Command, the Support Forces Command, the Medical Forces Command of the Armed Forces, as well as strategic command and staff training with the Joint Forces Command," he said.
Podolian stressed that representatives of NATO member states would take part in all events.
"In 2021, we will focus our efforts on deepening interoperability with NATO," he said.
Podolian also said that for the first time, a "NATO Day" would be held during an operational and strategic gathering with the participation of high-level foreign advisers and representatives of the NATO office in Ukraine.
The Ministry of Defense noted that the main purpose of this year's training of the Armed Forces was to ensure the preparedness of military authorities and units to perform operational and combat tasks to repel and deter armed aggression of the Russian Federation, continue the transition to standards and procedures for training and deployment according to the NATO standards.
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