Zhovkva wrote about this on Facebook.
He named six points, summing up the results of the meeting of the Presidents of Ukraine and Moldova.
He names the first result of Sandu's visit: resuming a full-fledged dialogue at the level of presidents, which, he said, hadn't happened before. "According to the signed Joint Declaration, the Presidential Council has been established. It's a coordinating body at the level of Heads of State, which will meet regularly and reach agreements on all issues on the agenda," Zhovkva said.
He also stressed that during the meeting, it was possible to discuss and agree on mutual support in regional security issues. "Both Presidents support the sovereignty and territorial integrity of states within internationally recognized borders. And Crimea for Maia Sandu is forever and definitely Ukrainian," Yermak's deputy wrote.
He considers the agreement on constructing a highway between Kyiv and Chisinau to be the third result. Zhovkva notes that this project can be implemented this year.
"The issue of the Dniester hydraulic power system and the entire complex of related aspects, including environment, ownership, and demarcation of the relevant parts of the border, have been discussed in detail. There's a political will to make this issue disappear as a problem, then it's up to the governments and relevant experts," Ihor Zhovkva said.
The Deputy Head of the OP also drew attention to the agreement that Ukraine will export electricity to Moldova, and that the issues of language and other rights of national minorities in both countries will be settled on a parity basis.
Sandu's next visit to the President's Office is expected on the 30th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence Day, while the Moldovan leader herself invited Volodymyr Zelenskyi to visit her country.
To recap, today the President of Moldova Maia Sandu paid an official visit to Kyiv.
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