The Cabinet of Ministers adopted the relevant resolution on December 9, the Government Portal reports.
The decision was made to prevent the deployment of a new powerful wave of incidence, which may occur after the New Year and Christmas holidays.
From January 8 to 24, 2021, the work of cafes, restaurants, bars (except for delivery and takeaway orders) will be prohibited.
It's prohibited for business entities engaged in trade and consumer services to receive visitors, except:
Also, at this time, it's allowed to provide financial services; the activity of financial institutions and activity on collection and transportation of currency values, the activity of mail, and also medical practice, veterinary practice, the activity of gas stations (without food zones), activity on maintenance and repair of vehicles, hairdressers and beauty salons by appointment are allowed.
The work of cinemas, fitness clubs, gyms, swimming pools, theaters is prohibited.
During the period of strict quarantine, it's prohibited to visit educational institutions, trade in non-food products, hold any entertainment, sports, or cultural events.
Public transport will continue to operate.
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