Photo Reuters
Commenting on the events surrounding the assault of the Capitol in Washington, the fifth President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, said that the event shocked him.
He wrote about this on Facebook.
He calls what happened in the US capital a real challenge for American democracy.
"A simple confirmation of the terrible consequences of political irresponsibility, and violent and selfish rhetoric. I believe that the American people will stand up for democracy, freedom, and law and order. Ukraine is in solidarity with you!" he wrote.
To recap, earlier, on January 6, Donald Trump's supporters broke into the building of the Congress of the USA, where they arranged a pogrom.
A session of Congress began that day in the Capitol, where the votes of the board of electors were to be counted and the elected president, Democrat Joe Biden, was to be approved. However, due to Republican objections, the Congress was adjourned.
At the same time, Trump has stated that he doesn't admit his defeat in the presidential election and "will never give up."
Police were able to clear the Capitol, and the encounter resulted in injuring over 30 people and killing four.
After that, the US Congress resumed work.
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