It's expressed in a statement on the website of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine.
Thus, the government will introduce stricter quarantine from 8 to 24 January 2021. During this period, selling all goods, except food, medicines and medical devices, hygiene and communication products, and feed, veterinary drugs, seeds, plant protection products, is prohibited.
Other goods can be ordered only with address delivery.
The Chamber explains that, thus, "even in supermarkets, it'll be forbidden to sell a significant part of everyday goods: household chemicals and tools, clothing, newspapers, light bulbs, batteries, children's products for education."
To comply with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, supermarkets will be forced to either close the relevant sections on the territory or prohibit the sale during the payment at the checkout.
"According to the member companies of the Chamber, such a decision is not only a direct restriction of consumers' rights to purchase the needed products, but also potentially leads to conflict situations in stores," ACC commented on the requirements.
Since the consumer has equal access to all goods in the trade establishment, the Chamber calls restrictions on sales illogical and indicates possible additional losses from such a rule and consumer resentment.
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