The Voice of Ukraine party writes about it.
According to the Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada, 78 participants submitted their works to take part in the competition. Schoolkids and students from different regions of Ukraine, interested in political processes, had the opportunity to feel like real parliamentarians and express their point of view on solving important social problems.
The topics proposed by the participants ranged from e-government, gender equality, education to environmental issues, and environmental pollution.
"This competition demonstrated the concern of schoolchildren and students for their future and the future of their country. The subject of their works is very diverse. But they devoted most of the work to an environmental issue. Due to a large number of participants, the commission decided to choose not seven winners, but ten," Head of the Information Department of the Verkhovna Rada, Taras Pastushenko, said.
Thus, the winners of the competition were: Vadym Sapron, 17 years old, Zaporizhzhia Social and Humanitarian Gymnasium № 27; Karina Bezlutska, 18, National University of Food Technologies; Myroslava Chaiun, 20 years old, Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics; Vladyslav Koniukhov, 18, University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine; Iryna Kachynska, 15 years old, Volodymyrets District Collegium; Valeria Romashchuk, 16 years old, Municipal educational institution "Secondary school № 51"; Ksenia Borysova, 8 years old, Odesa educational complex "Gymnasium № 7, specialized school of I degree with in-depth study of English"; Alina Stoian, 9 years old, Odesa educational complex "Gymnasium № 7, specialized school of I degree with in-depth study of English"; Ruslan Komyshan, 17, Kharkiv Gymnasium № 163; Maksym Slobodin, 9 years old, Municipal Secondary School № 132.
The winners of the competition will receive valuable prizes from partners, i.e. the USAID Council Program, implemented by the Eastern Europe Foundation.
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