Photo: OPU
He wrote about this in his Telegram channel.
"The world is still in the same state of an extraordinary outbreak of national selfishness, provoked by the beginning of the pandemic. First, for our own; then for others. We understand this very well," Zelenskyi said.
President emphasizes that at present, the states are fighting exclusively for their own interests, so they don't confirm "that sweet rhetoric about "joint implementation of global tasks" with proper actions, which we heard a lot of in previous decades."
Nevertheless, Ukraine continues to negotiate the supply of the vaccine.
"We'll definitely provide our people with the vaccine as soon as possible, despite the often not very fair interstate competition. And we will be really grateful to those who helped during this tough time," the President of Ukraine emphasizes.
To recap, Ukraine is going to purchase 1.9 million doses of the Chinese vaccine against COVID-19.
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