Photo OPU
He wrote about this in his column on the website.
Yermak says that the development of transport, medical, energy, and social infrastructure remains an important issue.
Yermak also promised to pay attention to educational and cultural facilities.
"We'll continue to build quality roads that should lead people to renovated theaters, museums, castles, and other tourist magnets," Yermak announced.
He's convinced that implementing the plans is hindered by the "resistance of the old system," which Zelenskyi's team is going to break.
"Although domestic corrupt officials, oligarchic clans, and foreign secret services have united against our actions this year, they cannot destroy the system of anti-corruption bodies, quarrel with Western partners or stop the country's renewal. They make unfulfillable promises every day. And we work quietly. They convinced Ukrainians that the local elections would be a failure for the current government, but we have the largest number of seats," Andrii Yermak wrote.
He (Zelenskyi – ed.) knows what he's doing. Because he's building a successful and strong Ukraine, Yermak.
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