Kuleba on interaction with Biden administration: We expect rock-and-roll

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba named the priority areas of Ukraine's cooperation with the administration of US President-elect Joe Biden.

He talked about it in an interview with TSN.

"We look forward to rock'n'roll. We want a very dynamic and driving relationship with the United States. America and Ukraine are strategic partners. It's officially and virtually true. So we need to add even more sound to this song of strategic partnership. We have security. This is a 100% priority. We have the transformation of Ukraine. This is where the United States can seriously help us strengthen the country from within," he said, adding that by the transformation he meant reforming the country.

"The third issue is our relations in the economic sphere: investments in Ukraine, trade in world markets. Therefore, we will work in these three areas as a priority. Only this doesn't end our relations. There's a tremendous amount of work," Kuleba announced.

In addition, the minister expressed hope that not a single special representative, but "the entire US state machine" will be concerned with the issue of resolving the conflict with Russia.

"For this, it's necessary that the State Department, the Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Finance, the Congress have supporters of Ukraine everywhere who would help us develop these relations. Whether or not there will be a specific position is a secondary issue," Kuleba said.

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