The press service of the CCU reports.
The press service of the court reported that the independence of a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine was ensured, including with "a special procedure and grounds for termination of powers, dismissal of a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine from the post in the manner prescribed by the Constitution of Ukraine."
"The decision to dismiss a judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine on the grounds specified in part two of Article 149-1 of the Basic Law of Ukraine shall be made exclusively by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine at a special plenary session, and no other body or official may make such a decision," the message reads.
Therefore, the press service added, a special plenary session of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine would be appointed on this occasion.
To recap, on December 29, Volodymyr Zelenskyi signed the decree removing the Chairperson of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleksandr Tupitskyi from the post of the judge of CCU for two months.
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