The Office of the Prosecutor General sent a notice of suspicion to the head of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine Oleksandr Tupytskyi in connection with his non-appearance for procedural actions on Monday.
The press service of the Prosecutor's General Office informed Interfax-Ukraine.
The Prosecutor's General Office also sent a request to the President of Ukraine to remove Tupytskyi from the post of judge for two months.
"He (Tupytskyi) said that he could not come because of family circumstances, but didn't provide documents on the seriousness of the reasons for non-appearance. Notice of suspicion is served on the day of its preparation, and in case of delivery impossibility, it's sent by mail the same day. Due to that, the notice of suspicion, drawn up by the Office of the Prosecutor General today, was sent by mail to the proper addresses," the press service of the office said.
In addition, the department stressed that it had sent a petition to the President of Ukraine "to remove Tupytskyi from the post of a judge of the Constitutional Court for two months."
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