This is a "single window" that consolidates and merges all available information for exporters and companies interested in exports, the Ministry of Digital Transformation reports.
Export web platforms are effective tools used by governments and trade facilitation organizations around the world to increase national exports and support businesses to enter new markets.
The single export web portal will provide support to Ukrainian exporters and those interested in exporting through:
"Creating a single export web portal in the format of a one-stop-shop, when everything necessary for exporters is on one website, is an important step towards building a full-fledged ecosystem of business support in Ukraine," Deputy Minister of Digital Transformation Valeria Ionan said.
All information on the web portal, including standard forms required for various procedures and requests, is free.
The only export web portal is located in a secure data center and meets global standards for protection against cyber threats. User information is stored in an encrypted form to prevent them from being intercepted or stolen.
The presentation of the Unified Export Web Portal is available on the YouTube channel of the Cabinet of Ministers.
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