He stated this during an online briefing.
"I believe that the short-term goal of our relations with the Russian Federation is to reach the principle of peaceful coexistence. Now there's a war between Russia and Ukraine, that is a fact. We must stop the war, restore peace in Ukraine, restore our territorial integrity," Foreign Minister said.
At the same time, he stressed that even if we achieved this, Russia's strategic goals for Ukraine would remain unchanged. According to him, it is a question of "destructive, damaging forces".
"Therefore, the principle of peaceful coexistence would be in Ukraine's interests. Then, with a policy change, it's such a long-term goal, when Russia realizes the inevitability of Ukrainian independence, Ukrainian sovereignty, Ukrainian existence as part of the Western world and NATO and EU, we can move to the principle of coexistence. That is when we simply tolerate each other, and look at new opportunities," Kuleba said.
After that, in his opinion, it will be possible to consider further opportunities in relations with Russia.
Minister noted that it was very difficult to raise the cooperation issue with Russia in a broad context, but "Ukraine needs a serious, substantive, calm conversation about Russia."
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