He said this on the air of Ukraine 24 channel, commenting on the words of the Speaker of the Verkhovna Rada Dmytro Razumkov that as of today there was no alternative to the Minsk agreements.
"You can't say there's no alternative; there's always an alternative. Another question is whether it's expedient to look for and include it now. So far, "Minsk" works, if we use it properly; it will work effectively. Searching for other mechanisms besides "Minsk," the highest political level, involving the USA, Great Britain, signatories of the Budapest memorandum makes sense," the journalist said.
Harmash believes that we should not abandon using a "working tool."
"It is impossible to give up "Minsk," which had sanctions bound to it, solve a lot of technical and domestic issues, concerning the vital activity of both the occupied and frontline territory. It's not smart to give up the tool if we don't have another one. But we need to build something," Harmash said.
The representative of the Ukrainian delegation also believes that it is impossible to do without the help of the parliament.
"We have a law on status (special status of Donbas – ed.). It was adopted in 2014, and I believe that it doesn't need to be changed, as it's quite vague and beneficial for us, and the adoption of a new law will harmonize the entire text of the law with Russia and ORDLO, which won't be beneficial for us. On the other hand, resolving the conflict in Donbas involves adopting laws on collaboration, transitional justice, but this isn't enshrined in the Minsk package of measures. Here, we require a decision of the Ukrainian parliament to outline the future prospects for residents of the occupied territories clearly and give us an understanding of which direction to move in," Harmash said.
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