Ukraine approves a COVID-19 vaccination plan

Operational Headquarters of the Ministry of Health for Vaccine Controlled Infections has approved a plan to immunize the population against COVID-19. The experts of the Center for Public Health of Ukraine, together with experts from WHO and UNICEF developed the document.

Acting General Director of PHC Ihor Kuzin stated this, as reported by the Center's press service.

"This document will be flexible. It will be updated depending on the COVID-19 situation, updated data on vaccines, the vaccine's availability. The success of its implementation depends on partnership and close cooperation with regional health institutions, local authorities, doctors, and the public," Ihor Kuzin stressed.

He added that this plan's goal was to cover at least 50% of the population of Ukraine (20 million people) with COVID-19 vaccination in 2021-2022.

"COVID-19 vaccination in Ukraine will be voluntary for all groups of the population and occupational risk groups. Its implementation will not interfere with routine vaccination under the Vaccination Calendar to prevent a decrease in vaccination against other diseases," he added.

The plan will be updated every two weeks to reflect the actual situation. The purpose, target groups, logistics routes, medical training, communication, and deployment of mobile teams are the basic part of the document. It can be changed only in the case of radically new information. Stages of vaccine development, qualification, and registration procedures, the supply of vaccines are the part that will be constantly updated.

"We are ready to receive the vaccine in the first quarter of 2021. Vaccination of physicians will be a priority, especially those who work in hospitals that provide treatment for COVID-19. Vaccination for Ukrainians from the uncontrolled territory will also be available. The proper procedure will be approved by a separate plan," Ihor Kuzin said.

The plan approves 4 stages of vaccination of the population:

  1. January-April 2021, people with the highest risk of transmission and development of COVID-19 and those who perform critical functions in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic;
  2. April-June 2021, people at extremely high risk of transmission and development of COVID-19 and those who provide medical services;
  3. June-September 2021, people at high risk of transmission and development of COVID-19 and those who perform functions to support the security and livelihood of the state;
  4. September 2021 – March 2022, people at increased risk of transmission and development of COVID-19 and those who perform functions to support the security and livelihood of the state.

The population will be vaccinated based on available vaccination points, mobile immunization teams, and in temporary vaccination centers.

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