photo: Office of the President
Zelenskyi congratulated her on her election as EBRD President and stressed that the importance of cooperation with the Bank for Ukraine was difficult to overestimate. Today it's the largest institutional investor in our country.
"As far as I know, this year's portfolio of the bank's projects has already reached 730 million euros, and by the end of the year, this amount may reach 900 million euros. We are very pleased that especially during the global economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Bank continues to invest in Ukraine and provide support to Ukrainian business," Volodymyr Zelenskyi said.
He stresses that despite the crisis, the Ukrainian banking system is stable and the budget is being implemented. President said that the International Monetary Fund mission was starting work in Ukraine today, and according to its results, they expected to receive another tranche in early 2021 within the framework of the stand-by program.
The parties discussed the course of reforms in Ukraine in detail.
"This year we have passed a law on the land market, launched a reform of the tax and customs services, signed the first concession agreements, and are actively carrying out "small" privatization and digitalization of all public services," Zelenskyi said.
The President also talked in detail that the government was making daily efforts to overcome the constitutional crisis in close cooperation with the Venice Commission, and progress was being made quite quickly. He noted that the functioning of the electronic declaration was restored and the law on resuming NAPC's full operation was passed. Volodymyr Zelenskyi stressed that the needed law drafts on judicial reform had already been prepared, and structural reforms were underway, despite the impact of the pandemic.
EBRD President Odile Renaud Basso welcomed the efforts and activities aimed at resuming the work of the NAPC.
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