Denys Shmyhal announced this during an hour of questions to the government in the Verkhovna Rada.
"In March, we expect the first batch of 8 million doses of vaccines for 4 million Ukrainians under the COVAX initiative. Funds for the purchase are included in the State Budget … Thank you, People's Deputies, for voting for the creation of a special fund. Next year, this special fund will be used to purchase and provide vaccination," Shmyhal said.
He added that vaccination against coronavirus will be carried out based on existing vaccination rooms. As of December this year, there are over 11 thousand.
In addition, according to the head of government, they plan to create mobile teams and involve family doctors. Through them, the vaccination against COVID-19 will take place.
According to Shmyhal, the major task of the vaccination plan is to cover 50% of the population of Ukraine with coronavirus vaccination.
Priority groups will be health workers, servicemen taking part in the Joint Forces Operation, social workers, people living in long-term care and support facilities, employees of critical state security structures, including the SES, the National Guard, the Armed Forces, the National Police Ministry of Internal Affairs, education workers, elderly people.
Shmyhal added that Ukraine would receive the COVID-19 vaccine no later than the European Union. At the same time, there'll be vaccination at public expense and vaccination on a commercial basis.
"Ukraine will receive vaccines no later than Europe. It is a voluntary matter. We'll hold a vaccination plan for free at the expense of the state for those groups identified, including WHO recommendations. There'll also be a commercial product. You can get this vaccine in proper offices, or in a properly equipped infrastructure," Prime Minister said.
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