Report on crash of Ukrainian plane in Iran published in Canada

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Foreign Minister François-Philippe Champagne, and Transport Minister Marc Garneau issued a statement welcoming a report by Ralph Goodale, Canada's special adviser, on the tragedy of PS752.

The official website of the Prime Minister of Canada announced this.

"When Iran shot down a Ukrainian commercial jet, flight PS752, it killed 176 innocent people, including 138, who had links to Canada. The report provides valuable guidance on how to learn from the crash and departures, and also from the flights of Air India 182 and Ethiopian Airlines 302. Its results will be used to establish best practices for responding to future international aviation disasters," Trudeau stressed.

The report provides important recommendations on how to improve support for families affected by aviation accidents. This includes strong interaction with families, and accurate, timely, and reliable exchange of information with them as quickly as possible and on an ongoing basis. We must remember and honor the precious lives lost in these international aviation accidents.

"The relentless pursuit of the truth about what happened is extremely important. The Special Adviser has raised vital questions that Iran must answer comprehensively, with supporting evidence, to show the credibility of its investigations and convince the international civil aviation community. The report strongly endorses Canada's Safer Sky initiative, which helps keep civil aircraft away from dangerous conflict zones and offers advice on improving the quality of air safety investigations where the major culprit is military action," Trudeau said.

"Canada continues to work with international partners to conduct thorough and credible investigations into the downing of the plane in Iran, as we seek transparency, accountability, and justice for the victims and their families," he said.

Earlier, the Foreign Ministry said that Iran had withdrawn the offer of payments to the families of those killed in the UIA plane crash.

On July 18, Iran sent "black boxes" to Paris from a Ukrainian UIA plane shot down in January. Later, Deputy Foreign Minister Yevhen Yenin reported that the flight recorders had been successfully read and deciphered, and the transcript confirmed the fact of illegal interference.

Negotiations on compensation for Iran's downing of a UIA plane took place in Kyiv on July 30 with the participation of an Iranian delegation.

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