As People's Deputy Yaroslav Yurchyshyn noted during the parliamentary session, this tradition had been around for many years.
According to Yurchyshyn, the tradition came to Ukraine from Europe.
"Scout children regularly bring this light to orphanages, hospitals, places of hostilities, and therefore after the parliament, it'll go east to our military," the people's deputy said from the platform.
"I think we also lack harmony in parliament. Politics divides us. Many things, like views on the country's development, can divide us but there must be a difference in how we do good, unite for the good of the needy so that there are no people in Ukraine who would feel deprived."
Later, the fire was handed over to the Chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada, Dmytro Razumkov.
"Let it give us a common turn point, so we find common ground more often, unite more often and remember: we all came here to defend the public interest, and peace, harmony, and love are the highest public interest," Yurchyshyn stressed.
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