Babel reports.
Protesters brought additional tents, a generator, and sheets of foam to the Maidan to sit on. The police came to protesters where they put "mattresses," turned off the generator. After they were surrounded by people.
Some police officers, taking advantage of the moment, tore down several tents and took away the foam. This provoked a small skirmish, resulting in no one injured.
The protesters said they called an investigative task force to write a statement (some claim that their belongings were stolen) and to find out the reason for the foam confiscation.
To recap, the streets of Hrushevskoho, Sadova, and Institutska were blocked yesterday because of entrepreneurs protesting. This is the largest rally of sole proprietors in recent times.
Protesters clashed with police during the demonstration, resulting in chemical eye burns of 40 police officers.
On December 1, the Verkhovna Rada passed a law postponing the mandatory use of cash registers for some sole proprietors for a year. (№4439-d). On December 7, President Volodymyr Zelenskyi signed the law.
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