He told about it on the air of the Nash TV channel.
"I now declare very seriously that I don't trust any vaccine in the world, especially against the fictional disease COVID-19," he said, discussing with economic expert Vasyl Fedin.
"We don't have conclusions that we can trust. The vaccine conclusions, which are credible, are determined not by one day and not by international organizations, but by time and consequences and side effects: if they're there or not. We now hear about the effectiveness of vaccines of 70%, of 50%, some consider 30% normal. If it's so effective, then the question arises what it treats and whether it is harmful," the deputy said.
Kamelchuk called the government's spending of enormous sums on the purchase of vaccines a "trap."
Earlier, Stepanov stated who would receive the coronavirus vaccine.
Last week, Britain's MHRA became the first in the world to approve a vaccine developed by Germany's BioNTech and Pfizer.
Mass coronavirus vaccination began in Britain on December 8.
Allergy sufferers have reportedly been denied an injection of Pfizer in the UK.
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