Cabinet of Ministers introduces new quarantine restrictions in Ukraine from December 19

Photo Reuters
From December 19, 2020, new restrictions will apply throughout Ukraine.
The list of quarantine restrictions is published on the Cabinet's website.
In particular, the new restrictions prohibit:
- Carrying out mass events (performances, holidays, concerts) in educational institutions with the participation of children from over one group/class and in the presence of visitors.
- Carrying out celebratory events, banquets, master classes, public events in entertaining establishments, and public catering establishments.
- Receiving visitors to museums, exhibitions, galleries, etc., if there is over one person per 10 square meters in the halls.
- The work of catering establishments from 23:00 to 7:00 (except for delivery and takeaway orders). Payment operations are terminated after 22:00. On the night from 31.12 to 01.01, the work of restaurants and cafes will be allowed until 01:00.
- Religious events indoors provided over one person per 5 square meters present; outdoors, provided that the distance of 1.5 meters between those present is not observed.

Restrictions that continue to operate unchanged (prohibit):
- Staying in public transport and public places without wearing a mask, and being on the street without ID documents.
- Illegally leaving isolation or observation.
- Carrying out mass cultural (including concerts), sports, social, advertising, and other events with over 20 persons taking part and non-observed distance of 1,5 m. between participants (exceptions: official and professional sports events without spectators; examinations for the notary and measures necessary to ensure the work of the authorities).
- Work of cinemas and cultural institutions with over 50% occupancy of seats in one hall.
- Transporting more than an overall number of seats in passenger transport (except for the metro).
- Carrying out discos, work of nightclubs, and public catering establishments organizing leisure.
- Accommodating over 4 adults at one table and when the distance between the tables is less than 2 meters in catering establishments.
- Work of business entities where they don't provide employees with masks, no markings are applied to indicate distancing between customers of 1.5 meters, and visitors don't have properly worn personal protective equipment.
- Foreigners crossing the border without an existing insurance policy (with some exceptions).
- Activities of accommodation establishments (except for hotels, rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities, sanatoriums).
- Attending educational institutions by groups of over 20 people, except for preschools, general secondary, out-of-school, and specialized art education institutions.
- Visiting educational institutions when over 50% of students and staff of the educational institution are in self-isolation.
- Carrying out planned measures for hospitalization (except for palliative care, help to women in labor, newborns, childbirth assistance, treatment of cancer patients, highly specialized (tertiary) medical care, and other emergency medical care).
- Work of gyms and fitness centers, if they have over one person per 20 square meters.
- Visiting points (places) of temporary detention of persons, points of a temporary stay of foreigners and stateless persons, and points of accommodation of refugees.
- Crossing check-points to the temporarily occupied territories of ORDLO and Crimea by foreigners without an existing insurance policy (with some exceptions).
- Visiting social protection institutions, which house certain categories of citizens (elderly people, war veterans, people with disabilities, mental disorders, etc.) by third parties.