He stated this at a briefing on Wednesday.
"Prime minister has recently said that the government is preparing a mass testing project. They allegedly want to hold it in Kyiv and all major cities of Ukraine. According to experts, such testing can detect over 25-30% of asymptomatic virus carriers. But such a government's initiative won't be easy to implement," Klitschko said.
He noted that it's almost impossible to perform PCR tests on millions of people in Ukraine now.
"First, we don't have that many tests. Secondly: we need mobile laboratories, specialists who will work in them. Unfortunately, I don't see such opportunities in the state today," Klitschko said.
Klitschko also commented on the possibility of mass testing for coronavirus in Lviv.
"As far as I know, mass testing is not planned in Lviv yet, because according to the WHO recommendations, in order for it to be effective, it's necessary to conduct several waves of testing of the entire population. For Lviv alone, it will cost about 500 million hryvnias, not considering the cost of testing," Klitschko said.
He noted that such things can be done nationwide, not by a city. Then mass testing will be justified.
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