Health Minister Maksym Stepanov stated this during a briefing.
"We, as the Ministry of Health, will not recommend a strict quarantine until the end of December. We see a steady increase in coronavirus cases without sharp leaps. And we can say that our medical system will fully withstand the current load created by a coronavirus," Stepanov said.
According to him, instead, the Ministry of Health will propose to introduce strict quarantine in Ukraine from the first days of January.
"We are proposing and will continue to offer to the Government of Ukraine, a planned strict quarantine with maximum restrictions, starting in early January," the minister said.
Stepanov said that for maximum effect, such quarantine should last for three weeks.
He also noted that from January to February they expected a peak of influenza incidence.
"That is why this period should be approached with the minimum incidence of COVID," Minister stressed.
Earlier, the Ministry of Education explained how kindergartens, schools, and universities would work in quarantine.
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