Razumkov and party representatives discuss resuming e-declaration and CCU with G7 ambassadors

The Chairperson of The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, Dmytro Razumkov, together with the representatives of the parliamentary parties and groups, met with the G7 Ambassadors.
Razumkov wrote about this on Twitter on Thursday.
"We discussed resuming effective anti-corruption bodies' activity and e-declaration. The parliament has a single position to return criminal liability for false declarations as soon as possible."
Разом із представниками депутатських фракцій і груп зустрілися з послами #G7. Обговорили відновлення ефективної діяльності антикорупційних органів та е-декларування. Парламент має єдину позицію – якнайшвидше повернути кримінальну відповідальність за недостовірне декларування.
— Dmytro Razumkov (@DRazumkov) December 3, 2020
According to the press service of the Verkhovna Rada, parliament representatives said at the meeting that they had set up a working group to address three key issues:
- restoring responsibility for false declaration,
- creating effective mechanisms of work of anti-corruption bodies
- balancing the conditions authorities' activity, in particular the Constitutional Court.
"During the meeting, we discussed the need for a quick decision. Work on a universal law draft is underway that will combine the benefits of the document prepared by the parliamentary working group and the initiative of the President of Ukraine," the statement said.
It is emphasized that the search for a compromise solution will help to restore the e-declaration system faster and minimize the risks of appealing against agreed changes to anti-corruption legislation in the Constitutional Court.
As reported earlier, the members of the working group of the Verkhovna Rada have until December 1 to prepare agreed law drafts for consideration to resolve the constitutional crisis.