Government approves Concept for Development of Artificial Intelligence by 2030

The Cabinet of Ministers approved the Concept for the Development of Artificial Intelligence in Ukraine. They plan to implement the Concept for 2020-2030.

The order was adopted at a government meeting on December 2. The document was approved with the condition of revision, RBC-Ukraine reports.

As noted in the explanatory note to the project, the development of priority measures for developing and implementing artificial intelligence in Ukraine at the state level for the period 2021-2023 requires funding from the state budget in the amount of UAH 14.390 million.

The priority areas for implementing the Concept are:

  • Ukraine, occupying a significant segment of the world market of artificial intelligence technologies and leading positions in international rankings (AI Readiness Index by Oxford Insights, AI Index by Stanford University, etc.);
  • introducing artificial intelligence technologies in education, economy, public administration, cybersecurity, defense, and other spheres to ensure the long-term competitiveness of Ukraine in the international market;
  • providing access to information (databases, electronic registers, etc.), using it in the development of artificial intelligence technologies for the production of goods and services;
  • protecting information space from unauthorized interference, ensuring safe operation of information and telecommunication systems, etc.

"Given the actual lack of laws in Ukraine today, regulating this industry, Ukraine as a state, and Ukrainian scientists and food companies in artificial intelligence cannot actively take part in the development of the global market for artificial intelligence technologies," the document reads.

According to the project's authors, revenue in the global market for artificial intelligence technologies, including software, equipment, and services, will increase in 2020 by 12.3% compared to 2019 and reach 156.5 billion dollars.

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