Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba stated this in a comment to Ukrinform.
"The meeting (of the UN Security Council according to the Arria formula on December 2 – ed.) will be boycotted not only by Ukraine but also by the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Estonia, and Belgium. All OSCE member states but the Russian Federation, belonging to the Security Council today. This is an important signal because the OSCE is taking part in the negotiation process within the TCG," Kuleba said.
He added that because of the principled position of our partners in the UN Security Council, the Russian PR campaign will not even be broadcast on official UN resources.
"This is a simple response to Russia's attempts to manipulate international platforms and formats to spread its propaganda," he said.
Kuleba also thanked international partners, including Germany and France as members of the Normandy format, for their strong solidarity to support Ukraine.
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