301 people's deputies voted for the document.
"The law draft proposes to introduce a new type of leave for men lasting up to 14 days and equalize the rights of women and men to paternity because in current legislation the right of the father to leave to care for a child is understood as "derivative" from the mother's right.
The labor law provides several alleged "benefits" for women, which in fact exacerbate inequality. We are talking about reduced working hours and additional days off for women with children. Although for men who are also parents and raising children with disabilities or a minor child, such benefits are not provided.
Therefore, we propose to rectify this situation and determine that fathers and mothers have equal rights to care for the child and equal rights to childcare leave. In order to take such leave, the father no longer needs a certificate from the mother's place of work stating she has taken the leave. We are preparing for the second reading," Maryna Bardina, a member of the Verkhovna Rada's subcommittee on compliance with Ukraine's international obligations in human rights and gender policy, stated.
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