
Shmyhal invited Turkish investors to privatize state-owned enterprises in Ukraine

Ukraine has a great potential for Turkish companies in the fields of infrastructure projects, seaports, and telecommunications, in the privatization of state-owned companies in the energy, chemical, and machinery industries.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal said this in an interview with the Turkish news agency DHA.

"The main privatization of state-owned companies is planned for next year. It will cover the energy, chemical, and machinery industries. We also see great potential for Turkish companies in the fields of infrastructure projects, seaports, and telecommunications," Shmyhal said.

He stressed they would create favorable conditions for investors.

Speaking about the signing of a Free Trade Agreement with Turkey, he stressed the importance of taking into account the reservations of business representatives.

"It's very important to create a balance and take into account the reservations of the business world. The biggest precaution of Ukrainian producers is that Turkey will use additional protective measures to restrict imports," the prime minister added.

He noted the agreement would not enter into force immediately after signing, as it would take some time to complete the legal proceedings, but eventually, it will happen.

To recap, Denys Shmyhal paid a two-day working visit to Turkey. He was accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Strategic Industries Oleh Uruskyi, Minister of Infrastructure Vladislav Kryklii, First Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Emine Japarova, Deputy Minister of Development, Economy, Trade and Agriculture Taras Kachka.

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