Prime Ministers of Ukraine and Estonia signed an intergovernmental agreement on technical and financial cooperation

The Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal and the Prime Minister of the Republic of Estonia Jüri Ratas have signed an Agreement between the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Government of the Republic of Estonia on technical and financial cooperation.

The heads of governments signed the relevant agreements during a videoconference on November 27, the Cabinet's press service reports.

The Agreement will apply to all technical and financial assistance programs and projects implemented in Ukraine and financed in whole or in part by the Republic of Estonia.

"The agreement is designed to create a favorable framework for further cooperation and implementation of new projects between Ukraine and Estonia. This document will consolidate our good intentions, prospects, and priorities. It will be one of the historic steps for our states, which will give us the opportunity to move forward together," Denys Shmyhal commented on the signing of the Agreement.

The Prime Minister of Estonia stressed that after signing this agreement, cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Estonia will reach a new level of quality, and Estonia will be able to provide more practical assistance to Ukraine.

During the online meeting, Denys Shmygal and Jüri Ratas also discussed deepening cooperation in the trade, economic, and cybersecurity spheres.

Shmyhal noted Ukraine seeks to maximize the activation of Ukrainian-Estonian trade and economic cooperation, as this area has significant potential.

"Ukraine is also interested in participating in the Three Seas Initiative and counts on the support of the Republic of Estonia in this direction," the Prime Minister of Ukraine said.

The Head of the Government of Ukraine noted that another vector of development of bilateral cooperation could be energy cooperation.

"It is promising to start a dialogue on cooperation in the production and use of green hydrogen, in particular in the transport and industrial spheres," Shmyhal said.

The Prime Minister of Ukraine thanked Estonia for its consistent support of Ukraine, its sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Jüri Ratas noted Ukraine is one of the most important partners for Estonia. And the Republic of Estonia is interested in strengthening cooperation with Ukraine in education, sports, and public administration reform.

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