
Minister of Social Policy assured that 2021 budget doesn’t provide for reducing social benefits

The draft budget for 2021 approved by the government doesn't provide for the reduction of any social benefits.

The Minister of Social Policy Maryna Lazebna stated this on the air of the "Pravo na Vladu" program.

"As the Minister of Social Policy, and probably as a person, I will tell you: of course, I would like more money for social programs and initiatives, but there's an objective reality and we must take it into account," Lazebna said.

She noted that "you need to balance and have a sober mind on how to do it right."

"But meanwhile, although people are worried today because of a global crisis, people don't have confidence in the future, the budget for 2021 doesn't provide, first, for no reduction in any social benefits. Second, the subsistence level is growing. Yes, it's growing at a slow pace of 9.3%. It covers a little more than projected inflation. Despite that, the benefits tied to it will also be increased and we will work on it so that there is not only debt but that there is growth," Lazebna said.

At the same time, the Minister of Social Policy said that because of the increase in the minimum wage, another social standard is being raised by 400 hryvnias: the minimum pension benefit for retired people who have reached the age of 65, who have a full experience.

Lazebna clarified that in January, pensioners who fall into this category will receive this increase.

In addition, according to her, a program to increase pensions for people over 75 will be implemented in July. 80-year-old pensioners will also receive an increase of 500 hryvnias.

"All these things are in the 2021 budget, so I would very much ask politicians not to panic," the Minister of Social Policy said.

At an extraordinary government meeting on November 26, the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft law on the State Budget for 2021 before the second reading.

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