The Ukrainska Pravda reports this referring to parties close to President Volodymyr Zelenskyi and the Ministry of Health.
Sources close to the Ministry of Health confirm Stepanov is preparing for dismissal, but point out that there is a problem with a person who'll become the new minister. According to them, now anyone who takes this position, in fact, will end a career since being a good minister will be impossible because of COVID.
Presently, the candidate is the current chief sanitary doctor Viktor Liashko, who has grand ambitions and is already tired of being a chief health care provider.
His candidacy is supported, in particular, by the deputy head of the Office of the President, Kyryl Tymoshenko.
A source close to Zelenskyi: "Stepanov, as we thought, was a skilled manager. But, for instance, he gives instructions to deliver oxygen to the region, and then may not control it at all. Therefore, everything is somehow in manual control."
Back in July, the Verkhovna Rada registered a draft resolution on the dismissal of Maksym Stepanov from the post of Minister of Health.
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