Today, traffic rules changes come into force: you must fasten a belt in a taxi

Amendments to Traffic Rules for drivers and passengers, pedestrians and cyclists, previously introduced by the Cabinet of Ministers, came into force.
Deputy Chief of the Patrol Police Department Oleksii Biloshytskyi announced this on Facebook on Tuesday, November 24.
According to the new traffic rules, taxi drivers and passengers, and driving instructors in the settlement and beyond must fasten their seat belts. They require taxi drivers to ensure the presence of seat belts in both the front and rear seats.
Only drivers and passengers with disabilities now may not fasten seatbelts in the settlement, if it's physiologically impossible, and drivers and passengers of operational and special vehicles.
In addition, changes in the traffic rules also apply to the license plates. It is forbidden to change their size, shape, designation, color, and location, apply additional markings on them, or hide them. License plates must be clean and well lit.
Under the new rules, cyclists may drive in the lane for route vehicles, and pedestrians must use reflective elements in the dark and in poor visibility.
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Posted by Олексій Білошицький on Tuesday, November 24, 2020