The Minister of Infrastructure, Vladislav Kryklii, announced this during the Global e-Mobility Forum organized by the Ministry of Climate and Environment of Poland.
According to him, Ukraine supports the use of environmentally friendly transport in cities, including city electric transport and electric vehicles.
"In this direction, we are now actively cooperating with international financial organizations and preparing for implementing the second phase of a joint project with the EIB "Urban Public Transport of Ukraine II," which involves updating public transport fleets in various Ukrainian cities and replacing them exclusively with electric transport," Kryklii said.
In addition, the ministry together with business and the public has developed a draft strategy for the development of the automotive industry in Ukraine, which provides incentives for the national production of electric cars, and takes into account the promotion of both private and public electric transport.
It is environmentally friendly, reduces harmful emissions, and preserves the environment. It's clearly in line with Ukraine's policy of ratifying the Paris Climate Agreement and pledging to reduce CO2 emissions.
An important advantage of developing environmental transport for the country is its impact on the economy. The number of electric vehicles will increase. The need for developed infrastructure and quality services will increase. As a result, it will create new jobs, businesses will be revived and budget revenues will increase.
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