Photo Reuters
Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba stated this on the air of the "Breakfast with 1+1" program.
"Currently, we're having no talks in the government about closing the borders, but we all understand that if it comes to discussing a full lockdown, then the question will arise," the diplomat said.
Kuleba added he didn't support banning the entry of foreigners, as the coronavirus incidence inside the country is already quite high, and the flow of migrants across the border is not so significant as to affect the pandemic situation in Ukraine.
In his opinion, we shouldn't discuss "how it will be" right now but simply "move forward."
"We would very much like to avoid a complete lockdown and any other harsh measures, but the citizens' health is the most important thing. The government is really trying to minimize the negative impact of the pandemic on the Ukrainian economy and freedom of movement, finding balanced solutions," Minister of Foreign Affairs assured.
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