Photo Reuters
The Minister of Health Maksym Stepanov announced this on the air of the "Svoboda Slova" program on ICTV.
"If we cancel all anti-epidemic measures… we'll see an increase to 20, 25, 30 thousand patients (per day – ed.). Then we'll quickly see 100% occupancy of beds in our hospitals and collapse of the medical system," Health Minister said.
According to him, no country refuses quarantine measures because there are no other means to keep the disease from spreading.
Stepanov noted Europe is introducing quite strict anti-epidemic measures, and from the epidemiological point of view, the best option is a full lockdown. In Ukraine, given the economic situation, a compromise option is a weekend quarantine. It aims to reduce the number of contacts between people and thus break the chain of disease transmission.
"No matter how we prepare the system, it won't withstand the hurricane growth of this disease under any circumstances if we don't introduce anti-epidemic measures," the minister said.
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