
Deputies failed to cancel weekend quarantine

The Verkhovna Rada didn't support the decision to cancel the weekend quarantine.

Only 149 deputies voted in favor.

The resolution of the Verkhovna Rada stipulated that the Cabinet of Ministers should reconsider its decision on weekend quarantine within three days. The document stressed that the relevant measures could have a significant negative impact on the national economy.

The draft resolution also provided for easing up the weekend quarantine for receiving visitors in bars, restaurants, cafes, shopping and entertainment centers, and other entertainment establishments, gyms, fitness centers, swimming pools, and trade and consumer services institutions. A similar recommendation applied to the activities of cultural institutions and holding cultural events.

The initiators of the legislative act were Deputy Head of the Verkhovna Rada Olena Kondratiuk and leaders of the Servant of the People, European Solidarity, Voice, and Opposition Platform for Life parties.

The photo below shows how parliamentary parties and groups voted for the resolution.

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