
Servant of the People party stated that full lockdown is possible when medical sorting protocol works

A full lockdown is possible when a medical sorting protocol is in place, which provides medical care to a patient who has a better chance of recovery.

Mykhailo Radutskyi, chairperson of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Public Health, Medical Assistance, and Medical Insurance (Servant of the People party) said this on the air of the "Right to Power" program.

"A full lock is possible, when, God forbid, a sorting protocol is working. The sorting protocol is a lockdown of the health care system and automatically a lockdown of the country when a doctor has to choose who to save and who not," Radutskyi said.

He added that the lockdown, which the government announced in the spring, was introduced because the health care system could not withstand the load.

Meanwhile, Radutskyi stressed that the weekend quarantine makes it possible to postpone the peak loading on the health care system.

"As for the weekend quarantine, the government's goal is not to break the chain (of incidence – ed.). Only a complete lockdown can break the chain, but the weekend quarantine can reduce the number of patients, "reload" the beds and everything else," Radutskyi said adding that the problem isn't so much in the beds now but in the lack of doctors and health workers who also suffer from coronavirus.

According to Radutskyi, there's no certainty that the weekend quarantine will give a positive result, so they're introducing it only for two weeks, until November 30. Instead, he said, it's necessary to consider compensation for small businesses.

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