Lithuanian Ambassador in Ukraine, Valdemaras Sarapinas told in an interview with Interfax-Ukraine.
Sarapinas stressed that it's a splendid prospect for mobilizing Ukraine to implement further democratic reforms.
"Undoubtedly, it's an ambitious plan. For it to come true, it's important for Ukraine to consolidate its success and continue implementing reforms, and for the EU to support Ukraine's European choice fully and consistently," he added.
The Ambassador noted that in mid-2021 in Vilnius, they plan to organize the fourth conference of reforms in Ukraine, which will help strengthen the reform process.
"Ukraine faces a hard task: simultaneously tackling the occupation of Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine and implementing structural reforms. In addition, you need to fight COVID-19 pandemic like other countries. Despite these challenges, Ukraine has taken a huge step forward by implementing important reforms," he said.
Sarapinas noted that Lithuania has consistently supported the independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine.
"I like to say that Lithuania's support for Ukraine is an axiom," the diplomat stressed.
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