The Ukrainian delegation in the TCG announced this on Facebook.
"A meeting of the political and humanitarian subgroups of the Trilateral Contact Group on the settlement of the Donbas conflict began at 9 o'clock in the morning by video conference. The agenda: ensuring the movement of Ukrainian citizens through the entry-exit points; exchanging reciprocal detainees; elaborating measures in search of missing persons.
The political subgroup is discussing the "Action Plan" proposed by the head of the delegation, Leonid Kravchuk," the statement said.
The Ukrainian delegation noted that today at 8 o'clock in the morning, the Ukrainian party opened the entry-exits checkpoints: "Hnutovo," "Maryinka," "Mayorske" (Donetsk region), "Stanytsia Luhanska," "Shchastya", "Zolote."
"The Russian party is blocking work and returning citizens to the Ukrainian-controlled demarcation line. Negotiations are underway," the delegation's spokesperson said.
As reported, a meeting of the economic and security subgroups will begin at 2 p.m., and a general TCG meeting at the level of delegation heads will take place on November 11.
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