
Tkachenko stated that Ministry of Culture will promote an eco-friendly lifestyle

The Ministry of Culture and Information Policy intends to promote the need to care for the environment because it's important for people and it's part of the culture.

The Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko stated this addressing the participants of the fifth National Round Table on Ecology, being held in Kryvyi Rih.

"The issue is not only that we can't breathe, the issue is that environment is a part of our culture, the culture of coexistence. We'll promote this lifestyle in the Ministry because the culture of coexistence is also the way we interact with each other and with nature," Tkachenko said.

He considers it symbolic that this topic's roundtable is taking place in Kryvyi Rih, where "the pipes are smoking, there's no air." The Minister also recalled how he had recently paid a working visit to the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, a ghost town Prypiat, the Duha radar station, and other facilities, and held a round table with tour operators specializing in visiting the exclusion zone.

"We've seen that nature is stronger than us. It will live with us, with people, or live without us, but trees are already breaking through houses in that place. It is symbolic," the minister said.

He wished the participants inspiration and stressed that "without the environment, without the environment of human relations and a sense of peace, we will not survive."

The Ministry of Culture initiated seven round tables in different cities of Ukraine: Kyiv, Odesa, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Ostroh, Kryvyi Rih, and Poltava. Ukrainian scholars discuss culture, history, religion, language, philosophy, art, and ecology.

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