Former Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin stated this on the air of Ukraine 24 channel.
"By all means, a new dynamic is possible, and in fact quite probable. I've heard the discussion of points (peace plan for Donbas – ed.), but it's actually a pause and another imitation element. Everyone's now preparing to talk to the future Biden administration.
Certainly, the Germans and French will hold several rounds of consultations in the Normandy format, understand who's responsible for what, what the strategic points will be, and only then a serious process will take place. We need to be prepared that it'll take several months for the agreements. And it's very important that we take part in the process from the very beginning," he said.
Klimkin stressed that it's important for Ukraine that the United States supports the Donbas plan.
"The proposed points are a very simplified version of the roadmap that Ukraine and Russia need to reach because it's a sequence of steps and guarantees of their implementation by the parties. Without the US and without our EU partners to get such guarantees… Who will be a guarantor that Russia will fulfill the roadmap? Only the US and EU. So our situation is that we need to understand what the US administration's plans will be. There are many issues on the agenda between the US and Russia, and they are all quite sensitive to Putin. But how exactly will the negotiation process go? No one can say now," he said.
To recap, Biden won the election in Pennsylvania, making him the 46th President of the United States.
Meanwhile, the White House has already begun talking about incumbent President Donald Trump's defeat.
They discussed the scenario of a potential politician's defeat before the election.
Biden is preparing to move into the White House.
In addition, he has already commented on the election victory.
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