This was stated by Professor, Head of the Department of Mining Engineering and Education of the National Technical University "Dnipro Polytechnic" Volodymyr Bondarenko.
"We are talking about the fact that we want to be an economically and energetically independent country. If we depend on gas, we practically depend on coal, and besides, there are enormous problems with the use of coal in the world. Over time, we will get away from it, because it's not environmentally friendly, and leads to a climate crisis because of the CO2 excessive production when burning organic products (coal, oil, gas, etc.). And then, we have mid-autumn with 26 degrees above zero outside, although earlier there were always frosts.
We have to live with the atom. It's a sign of civilization, a step towards progress. And even with alternative energy sources like solar energy or wind energy, we'll still need stable energy sources. Nuclear energy is the most environmentally friendly among stable ones," noted the expert.
Read the whole article: Mining uranium: how safe is it and why do it? Myths and truths
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