Victoria Spartz, a Republican state senator, was born in Soviet Ukraine / Associated Press
The New York Times reports.
The publication notes that Spartz was born in Ukraine during the Soviet era and used her history to get into the House of Congress. She defeated Democrat Christina Hale.
Retired Republican Susan W. Brooks has vacated her seat in Congress. Democrats hoped to expand their support, in particular by betting that Donald Trump's emaciated support would pull Republicans with him.
The publication adds that Ms. Spartz openly addressed the Republican voters, warning about the dangers of socialism and playing her position as a businesswoman. It won her enough votes from rural, conservative voters in the district.
It is known that Spartz moved to the United States 21 years ago, in 2000, and became an American citizen. She is known to have taught (or she still teaches) at Indiana University Kelly Business School and has served as vice president of the Hamilton Republican Party.
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