The Ukrainian delegation in the TCG presented the key points of the "Donbas Action Plan" to the Russian party and OSCE. They wrote about it on Facebook.
Five key points of the "Donbas Action Plan":
"TCG's next meeting is on November 10. By this time, the OSCE should form its own position and possibly submit its proposals for further consideration of the Action Plan," the Ukrainian delegation said.
The Ukrainian delegation's proposal is currently presented to the mediators (OSCE) and the Russian delegation.
It's also emphasized that this plan is a further development of the ways of implementing the agreements reached in the Normandy format at the highest level, starting in 2014.
The need to create a "Plan" emerged as a joint decision of the three parties, in particular, to unblock the specialized subgroups' work, after the demarche of the Russian party in September this year.
Meanwhile, the report stresses that actually implementing a set of these measures requires the approval of the President and Parliament of Ukraine.
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