The Commissioner for Human Rights of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Liudmyla Denisova announced this.
Liudmila Denisova also reported that during the trial, Vitalii Markiv's attorney Donatella Rapetti was invited to speak. She said during her speech that it's possible to use only the case materials, reject emotions, and proceed to the facts. Scientific inquiry is needed, not approximate facts.
Attorney Rapetti drew the court's attention to the manipulation by the civic lawyer. She also stressed that a sentence of 24 years in prison could not be based on assumptions and conjectures.
Finally, the court gave the floor to Vitalii Markiv. During his speech, he stressed that neither the Ukrainian army nor the National Guard had ever shot at civilians. He also requested that documents be attached to the case that he hadn't violated the rules of detention during his entire stay in prison and had always received the best performance evaluation from the management of these institutions.
He pleaded not guilty to the crime and said he hoped for justice.
Afterward, the judges and jurors went to the deliberation room, after which they reached the verdict.
As reported, Markiv was accused of killing an Italian journalist in Donbas and tried to be sentenced to 24 years in prison. He spent almost three and a half years behind bars.
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