Oleksandr Kornienko, the first deputy head of the Servant of the People party, told journalists about it before the November 3 parliamentary session.
"Address to the Constitutional Court is currently being prepared because they're behaving incorrectly, so to speak. A proposal or request or demand for the entire composition to resign is in the works in order to reload the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. Such a statement is being prepared. If it is ready, it'll be presented in the hall and passed… It will be a political statement," Kornienko noted.
People's Deputy of the Voice party, Yaroslav Zhelezniak, reported in his Telegram channel that he had already signed the statement. We also know that some people's deputies of "Servants of the People" signed it.
The deputy of "Servant of the People" Roksolana Pidlasa reported that over 200 people's deputies from various parties already signed the statement:
"CCU judges have to leave. The procedure is the only issue. A perfectly legal and "pure" way, which is 100% in line with the Constitution, is for CCU judges to resign themselves. A statement with this request to 11 judges was signed today by 200+ deputies from different parties. If they have even a drop of conscience left, they'll do it. 15 people, who weren't elected by anyone, cannot decide the fate of the multimillion nation, usurp power, take over full powers that no one gave them."
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