"We have reached a point of no return and are close to catastrophe. The situation is critical not only in Ukraine but all over the world… Hard times lie ahead… The situation is rapidly turning from difficult to catastrophic. The epidemic is developing at a hurricane rate around the world. We need to prepare for the inevitable. It's impossible to go through the second wave easily. Therefore, our efforts are aimed at surviving these ordeals at minimal cost," Stepanov said at a session of the Ukrainian parliament.
He described the measures taken by the department but noted that "no matter how fast we add beds, the coronavirus spreads much faster," and the situation is the same around the world.
"But no matter how hard we try to increase the number of beds, there's still a limit. If the occupancy reaches 100%, we'll have to activate medical sorting protocols with the priority of providing medical care to patients with better chances of survival. It'll mean that our medical situation broke down. In fact, it'll be a catastrophe," the minister said.
In addition, according to Stepanov, if there aren't enough doctors, "the number of beds will no longer matter."
"We are working to attract doctors of other specialties, and interns and medical students to treat COVID patients," the head of the department said.
"We don't have one person alone responsible for fighting against COVID-19. No one in the world can solve the problem of coronavirus on their own. More so, no one will solve this problem instead of anyone. It'll not be possible to slip through. It's time for our personal responsibility," Stepanov stressed.
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