
Zelenskyi recorded an audio message to “Servant of the People” warning of the threat of bloodshed and the country’s death because of the CCU decision – Media

The President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi sent an audio address to the Servant of the People party in the Verkhovna Rada.

The deputies received the message in the party chat of the Servant of the People, as sources in the party told LB.ua. The president explained this format by the lack of time to communicate with everyone individually.

The message says that it's time to make a tough but necessary choice.

"The strange behavior of the Constitutional Court's judges has put the country on the brink of disaster in a matter of hours. Either the country will be plunged into bloody chaos again, or the state will cease to exist as a system of transparent rules and agreements. Or we'll finally become a truly powerful political force and say "No." No to lies," the president said in an address to people's deputies.

Zelenskyi reminded that a little more than a year ago, "they managed to shock the old corruption policy." The President stated that he knew outside forces would seduce and break people's deputies, even within the party.

"Time demands the right emotions and courage from us… Today we need to show our unity, to show that we are a party that knows how to fight for itself, for its name, for its politics. Don't you see that other parties that had to go into oblivion, stand aside and laugh? Can we prove that we are much stronger?" he declared.

Zelenskyi added that the fight is ongoing for the image and reputation of Ukraine, for not reversing change and not returning the past." 

"We will either prove that we are a proper party that knows how to unite, or we prove that we're like everyone else… Because of today's decisions, voting, we will make global decisions, try to reset the entire system," the President said.

He stated that "tough decisions must be made about the Constitutional Court. Unquestionably. It's not even a request. No requests when values are being destroyed. We will live without requests."

"History doesn't judge the winners. And if I decide that the way to solve the crisis is possible only through the proposed law, it must be supported. If we find another, less conflicting way, there'll be another solution. But so far I can say only one thing. The last Constitutional Court rulings, these scandalous cancellations of fundamental laws, are a direct and quick way to bloodshed. If we don't stop the chaos created by the Constitutional Court for money, then we'll face confrontation in the streets. And, by the way, society's response will be harsh, but fair. Are we ready to risk the country's life? And if not, then we take responsibility together and we restore justice and legitimacy together," he said.

To recap, on October 27, the Constitutional Court repealed Art. 366-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine on criminal liability for entering inaccurate data in the declaration, and also declared the powers of the NAPC to control and verify declarations, their round-the-clock access to the register of declarations, and lifestyle monitoring unconstitutional.

The NAPC stated that the judges made the relevant decision in their own interests. According to the anti-corruption agency, two members of the CCU entered inaccurate data in their declarations and are now probably trying to avoid responsibility.

In turn, the Constitutional Court stated about "constant pressure" from anti-corruption bodies.

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